Congratulations Charlotte Graham, Successfully Completing IKO Kiteboarding Lessons, On Kite Beach Cabarete!

Congratulations Charlotte Graham, successfull completing IKO Levels 1 & 2 with We Love Kiteboarding at Kite Club Cabarete!

With just 10 hours of lessons over 4 days Charlotte learned all the basics of kiteboarding!

Throughout Charlotte’s lessons we also had assistance from the amazing Elisee Félix who is completing his IKO International Kiteboarding Organization Instructor certification internship requirements with We Love Kiteboarding!

Thank you Elisee for all your hard work, helping Charlotte succeed!

Charlotte was referred to us through the Ontario We Love Kiteboarding school and community network – thank you Ontario for all the referrals!

We Love Charlotte and Elisee

Get IKO kiteboarding lessons with We Love Kiteboarding – on Kite Beach, Cabarete!

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We are now offering wakesurfing, wakefoiling and wingfoiling too!

Keiron, Charlotte, Julian at Kite Club, Cabarete